IGIENSAN Spray ml 750

IGIENSAN Spray ml 750

Code: 10102

Colourless and odourless ready-to-use disinfectant with a wide spectrum of action. Its fast-evaporating formula leaves no residue or water spots. Suitable for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment in contact with food (slicers, steel counters, etc.), coatings, countertops and all washable surfaces. Igiensan Spray has a deodorising action, since it acts directly on the bacteria that produce bad smells. It does not stain or damage metals.

prodotto per pavimenti
prodotto sanitizzante
prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente
pack containing 6 bottles of ml 750

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IGIENSAN Spray ml 750

IGIENSAN Spray ml 750

Code: 10102

Colourless and odourless ready-to-use disinfectant with a wide spectrum of action. Its fast-evaporating formula leaves no residue or water spots. Suitable for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment in contact with food (slicers, steel counters, etc.), coatings, countertops and all washable surfaces. Igiensan Spray has a deodorising action, since it acts directly on the bacteria that produce bad smells. It does not stain or damage metals.

prodotto per pavimenti prodotto sanitizzante prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente

pack containing 6 bottles of ml 750