QUICK Sandalo & Vetiver kg 5

QUICK Sandalo & Vetiver kg 5

Code: 10661

Quick Sandalo & Vetiver is a scented maintenance detergent with a polishing action. Indicated for the daily maintenance of floors (including waxed floors), coatings and painted surfaces. It can be used both manually and with floor washers. Excellent detergent and deodorising power. It does not leave residues and smudges. No rinsing required. It leaves a fresh and a pleasant scent.

prodotto per pavimenti
prodotto utilizzabile con macchina lavasciuga
prodotto utilizzabile con mop
prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente
pack containing 4 drums of kg 5

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QUICK Sandalo & Vetiver kg 5

QUICK Sandalo & Vetiver kg 5

Code: 10661

Quick Sandalo & Vetiver is a scented maintenance detergent with a polishing action. Indicated for the daily maintenance of floors (including waxed floors), coatings and painted surfaces. It can be used both manually and with floor washers. Excellent detergent and deodorising power. It does not leave residues and smudges. No rinsing required. It leaves a fresh and a pleasant scent.

prodotto per pavimenti prodotto utilizzabile con macchina lavasciuga prodotto utilizzabile con mop prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente

pack containing 4 drums of kg 5