Expert X20 - gel descaler for toilets ml 1500

Expert X20 - gel descaler for toilets ml 1500

Code: 10720

Expert X20 is a super concentrated descaling detergent for the daily maintenance of toilets, tiles, etc. The special formula makes Expert X20, once diluted, a scented gel with a high detergent and descaling power. Do not use on marble, natural stone, porous surfaces and damaged enamels.

prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente bagno
prodotto per la pulizia di wc e sanitari
pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml

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Expert X20 - gel descaler for toilets ml 1500

Expert X20 - gel descaler for toilets ml 1500

Code: 10720

Expert X20 is a super concentrated descaling detergent for the daily maintenance of toilets, tiles, etc. The special formula makes Expert X20, once diluted, a scented gel with a high detergent and descaling power. Do not use on marble, natural stone, porous surfaces and damaged enamels.

prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente bagno prodotto per la pulizia di wc e sanitari

pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml