FAST MANI Gel Factory is a neutral hand soap in gel with microspheres. It easily removes difficult dirt such as grease, mineral oils, ink, etc.
FAST MANI Gel Factory is a neutral hand soap in gel with microspheres. It easily removes difficult dirt such as grease, mineral oils, ink, etc.
FAST MANI GEL Factory kg 5Code: 18120 FAST MANI Gel Factory is a neutral hand soap in gel with microspheres. It easily removes difficult dirt such as grease, mineral oils, ink, etc. |
pack containing 2 drums of kg 5 |
Fill Chimica Srl | Via del Lavoro, 12 48015 Cervia (RA) | P.IVA: 02302120395 | Ufficio RI: Ravenna | Codice REA: RA - 189821 | Capitale Sociale € 30.000 i.v.
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