Expert X50 - sanitising detergent for surfaces ml 1500

Expert X50 - sanitising detergent for surfaces ml 1500

Code: 10750

Expert X50 is a scented maintenance detergent suitable for cleaning and disinfecting floors, tiles, coatings, worktops, sinks, walls and all washable surfaces. Indicated for cleaning and disinfecting hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, etc.

prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente bagno
prodotto per pavimenti
prodotto sanitizzante
pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml

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Expert X50 - sanitising detergent for surfaces ml 1500

Expert X50 - sanitising detergent for surfaces ml 1500

Code: 10750

Expert X50 is a scented maintenance detergent suitable for cleaning and disinfecting floors, tiles, coatings, worktops, sinks, walls and all washable surfaces. Indicated for cleaning and disinfecting hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, etc.

prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente bagno prodotto per pavimenti prodotto sanitizzante

pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml