ALCOGEN Med ml 500

ALCOGEN Med ml 500

Code: 18210

Alcogen Med is a fast-acting alcohol-based skin disinfectant gel for cleaning and disinfecting hands. PMC (Medical Surgical Presidium) Registration n ° 20639 of the Ministry of Health.

P.M.C. Presidio Medico chiurgico
prodotto per lavaggio mani
prodotto sanitizzante
carton of 12 bottles 500 ml

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ALCOGEN Med ml 500

ALCOGEN Med ml 500

Code: 18210

Alcogen Med is a fast-acting alcohol-based skin disinfectant gel for cleaning and disinfecting hands. PMC (Medical Surgical Presidium) Registration n ° 20639 of the Ministry of Health.

P.M.C. Presidio Medico chiurgico prodotto per lavaggio mani prodotto sanitizzante

carton of 12 bottles 500 ml