

Code: 10110

IgienAlc is an alcohol-based disinfectant with quaternary ammonium salts with a wide spectrum of action. It is not aggressive to utensils, equipment and surfaces.
The special formulation with high ethanol content disinfects and leaves no residue.

prodotto per industrie alimentari
prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente cucina
prodotto per la pulizia di attrezzature varie
prodotto sanitizzante
pack containing 6 bottles of ml 750

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Code: 10110

IgienAlc is an alcohol-based disinfectant with quaternary ammonium salts with a wide spectrum of action. It is not aggressive to utensils, equipment and surfaces.
The special formulation with high ethanol content disinfects and leaves no residue.

prodotto per industrie alimentari prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente cucina prodotto per la pulizia di attrezzature varie prodotto sanitizzante

pack containing 6 bottles of ml 750