Allows flocculation regardless of pH value, facilitates sludge filtration and does not increase chloride levels. It is fast dissolving and does not alter pH value.
Allows flocculation regardless of pH value, facilitates sludge filtration and does not increase chloride levels. It is fast dissolving and does not alter pH value.
FLOCCULANTE kg 10Code: 11050 Allows flocculation regardless of pH value, facilitates sludge filtration and does not increase chloride levels. It is fast dissolving and does not alter pH value. |
drum kg 10 |
Fill Chimica Srl | Via del Lavoro, 12 48015 Cervia (RA) | P.IVA: 02302120395 | Ufficio RI: Ravenna | Codice REA: RA - 189821 | Capitale Sociale € 30.000 i.v.
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