IGIENSAN Concentrato kg 5

IGIENSAN Concentrato kg 5

Code: 10101

Concentrated, colourless and odourless liquid disinfectant with a wide spectrum of action. Indicated for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment in contact with food (slicers, meat grinders, chopping blocks, etc.), floors, coatings, bathrooms and all washable surfaces. Igiensan Concentrato does not stain or damage metals.

prodotto per pavimenti
prodotto sanitizzante
prodotto utilizzabile con mop
prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente
pack containing 2 drums of kg 5

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IGIENSAN Concentrato kg 5

IGIENSAN Concentrato kg 5

Code: 10101

Concentrated, colourless and odourless liquid disinfectant with a wide spectrum of action. Indicated for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment in contact with food (slicers, meat grinders, chopping blocks, etc.), floors, coatings, bathrooms and all washable surfaces. Igiensan Concentrato does not stain or damage metals.

prodotto per pavimenti prodotto sanitizzante prodotto utilizzabile con mop prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente

pack containing 2 drums of kg 5