VIROALC Spray ml 400

VIROALC Spray ml 400

Code: 10135

ViroAlc Spray is a dry alcoholic sanitizing cleaner with a broad spectrum of action, non-aggressive for hard surfaces, tables, worktops, tool fabrics, environments, gyms, car interiors.

prodotto per la pulizia di camere bagni
prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure
prodotto sanitizzante
carton of 12 bottles 400 ml

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VIROALC Spray ml 400

VIROALC Spray ml 400

Code: 10135

ViroAlc Spray is a dry alcoholic sanitizing cleaner with a broad spectrum of action, non-aggressive for hard surfaces, tables, worktops, tool fabrics, environments, gyms, car interiors.

prodotto per la pulizia di camere bagni prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure prodotto sanitizzante

carton of 12 bottles 400 ml